Lab 1 Setup: Mac OS

A. Setup

  1. Install Homebrew, a very easy to use package manager. To install, go to your Terminal and enter the following:
     /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

    Note: During the process, you may be prompted to enter a password. When you enter your password, nothing will display on the terminal, but the computer is actually recording your password. This is a security measure. Just type your password and hit enter.

  2. Then, check to make sure brew is working properly on your system by typing:
     brew doctor

    You may encounter warnings like this, but you should be fine. Proceed to the next step.

    Homebrew Warnings

  3. If you encounter a warning asking you to download Command Line Tools, you will need to do this. Please follow the StackOverflow post here.

  4. Install the Java JDK and git. You can do this by typing:
     brew cask install java
     brew install git